Telegram 创始人 Pavel Durov 在刑事调查期间获准返回迪拜后对法国法官和他的团队表示感谢,他确认在法国待了几个月后已经回到迪拜,同时还称 Telegram 多年来在审核、合作和打击犯罪方面不仅满足而且超越了其法律义务。
TON 官方发文表示,“TON 基金会庆祝 Pavel Durov 归还护照 TON 基金会很高兴得知法国当局已将 Pavel Durov 的护照归还给他,允许他自由离开该国。 这则消息标志着一个重要的解决时刻。Telegram 拥有全球近 10 亿用户,代表着一项致力于通信自由和不可剥夺的隐私权的全球运动。作为去中心化的 TON 社区的一部分,我们与 Pavel 站在一起,支持他坚定不移地捍卫言论自由和在线隐私权。
据 Cointelegraph 援引法新社报道,即时通讯应用 Telegram 创始人 Pavel Durov 已获得法国法院许可离开法国,目前已返回迪拜。 报道称,Durov 于 3 月 13 日获得法国法院批准,允许他前往迪拜。法新社引述未具名消息源称:"Durov 今早离开了法国",并补充说他是在当局批准下离境的。 目前法院决定的具体条款尚不清楚,Durov 本人及其法律团队也未就此事发表公开声明。
Telegram founder Pavel Durov said on his personal channel that the platform has launched the third major update in 2025 to further enhance its video platform capabilities. This update includes video covers, playback progress saving and timestamp sharing to enhance users' video viewing experience. In addition, Telegram introduced AI sticker search, supporting 29 languages, allowing users to quickly find the right content from millions of user-created stickers. Officials said that in the future, t...
On-chain analyst Ali monitors that since Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France in August 2024, investors have dumped more than 890,000 TON, according to on-chain data from crypto market research institutions.
Pavel Durov, Telegram's founder, said on his personal channel that Telegram was a firm supporter of this value long before freedom of expression became a political security issue, stressing that its core value is not influenced by the US election cycle. He also pointed out that while other platforms have recently announced less censorship, the real test will come when the political winds change again. He also said that it is easy to support something when there is no risk.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has criticised the European Union's media restrictions, stressing that Russian users enjoy greater freedom than European users. In a post on social media platform X on Tuesday, Durov commented: "The European Union restricts access to certain Russian media under the DSA/sanctions law. At the same time, all Western media Telegram channels remain freely accessible in Russia. Who would have thought that Russian Telegram users would enjoy more freedom than Europeans in 2025.....
Telegram founder Pavel Durov posted on his personal TG channel that the number of Telegram Premium subscribers has tripled this year to more than 12 million, and advertising revenue has increased several times. In addition, Telegram's total revenue in 2024 exceeded $1 billion, and its cash reserves at the end of the year exceeded $500 million, excluding crypto assets. In the past four years, Telegram issued about $2 billion in debt.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been tried in a Paris court for the first time in a case involving the messaging app's alleged assistance in criminal activities. Durov appeared in a Paris court on December 6 at 10 a.m. Central European time, and an anonymous source familiar with the matter told AFP that the inquiry focused on allegations related to Telegram's possible use for illegal transactions.